Always On The Move

二十世纪七十年代末,由宁阳开往哈城的蒸汽火车上,青年乘警汪新(白敬亭 饰)正穿梭在熙熙攘攘的乘客中认真执勤,他误把老铁路警察马魁(丁勇岱 饰)当成逃犯,二人开启了不打不相识的师徒情缘。从彼此看不惯对方到惺惺相惜,汪新和马魁并肩战斗在铁路公安第一线。他们反扒、打拐、缉毒、巡线、打击盗抢骗,始终把每位乘客的安危放在工作首位,无私守护着南来北往列车的安全。汪新和马魁新老两代铁路警察薪火相传,见证着中国铁路从蒸汽机车到电力机车再到动车高铁的发展,见证中国日新月异的变化

In the late 1970s, a young police officer Wang Xin mistakes old railway policeman Ma Kui as a fugitive on a steam train from Ningyang to Harbin. However, their conflict evolves into a mentor-apprentice friendship. They work together on the front line of railway security, tackling theft, kidnappings, drug trafficking, and fraud. As they prioritize passenger safety, they witness the transformation of China's railway system from steam to electric and high-speed trains. Wang Xin and Ma Kui uphold the spirit of the police and experience China's rapid changes.


集数Duration:39集×45分钟 39ep*45min

作品类型Genre:电视剧 TV Drama


版权联系人Please contact:

涂馨予Sylvia TU,Senior Executive, International Distribution,+86 18210602510,tuxinyu@qiyi.com

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