Ray of light

离开教育行业三年的郝楠(郭京飞 饰),在经营店铺失败后,重回教师岗位。十八岁的任真(任敏 饰)因不靠谱的父亲导致高考落榜,在天台遇到了同样失意的郝楠,然而郝楠却用自己的亲身经历鼓励了任真。巧合的是,成为青云中学高三14班班主任的郝楠与新入班的任真再度相遇。在随后备战高考 的日子里,郝楠与班里的学生从互相不理解到惺惺相惜,在他的努力下,这群憧憬未来的少年逐渐敞开心扉,开始信任这位特殊的老师。郝楠了解到每个学生的梦想和想要实现的人生价值,他如同麦田里的守望者,守护着一个个心怀梦想的少年,让他们积极为未来奋战,以饱满的状态应对高考,迎接各自的灿烂人生。

Dr. Ma Jia, a doctor at Yuanjiang University's affiliated First Hospital, joined the 25th Batch of China Medical Team to Sanna in Africa by chance. Faced with a completely different environment and significant cultural differences between China and Africa, Ma Jia gradually overcame difficulties and adjusted his mindset, understanding the responsibility of China Medical Team in practice. Through two years in Africa, Ma Jia and his teammates lived in the place called "Milele", experiencing joy and emotion, happiness and separation.


集数Duration30集×45分钟 30ep*45min

作品类型Genre:电视剧 TV Drama


版权联系人Please contact:

Zeng Xiaxia,Senior Social Media Manager,010-57805692,zengxiaxia@pwpic.com

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